Press Statement – ERB Takes Enforcement Action Against Four (04) Energy Companies for Breaching License Conditions

The Energy Regulation Board (ERB) has taken enforcement action against four (4) energy companies found to be in breach of their license conditions. These actions follow comprehensive compliance audits and regulatory oversight aimed at ensuring adherence to the mandated operational standards as prescribed by the Energy Regulation Act No. 12 of 2019.

Mount Meru Petroleum has been fined K45,000 for failing to submit a comprehensive fire incident report. Timely reporting of such incidents is critical for ensuring safety and allowing the ERB to take necessary actions to prevent future occurrences.

Uno Energies Zambia has also been fined K45,000 for contravening ERB’s siting guidelines for petroleum infrastructure. Adherence to established guidelines is essential to ensure the safety and proper functioning of petroleum facilities.

Further, Eco Petroleum has been reprimanded for failing to provide a functional compressed air system at its service station. A functional compressed air system is a critical component for the operational readiness of service stations and as such Eco Petroleum has been mandated to rectify this issue immediately to comply with set guidelines.

In addition, arising out of the 2023 Compliance Audits of Retail Services stations, seventeen (17) service stations operated by Lake Petroleum were found to be in breach of their license conditions, which potentially compromise safety and operational efficiency. As a result, Lake Petroleum has been officially reprimanded and required to address all non-compliance issues promptly to meet stipulated regulatory standards.

The ERB remains committed to upholding the highest standards of safety, operational efficiency and regulatory compliance within the energy sector. These enforcement actions underscore the ERB’s resolve to ensure that all licensed entities adhere to their license conditions and operate within the framework of the Energy Regulation Act.

The ERB urges all energy companies to regularly review their compliance status and take necessary remedial actions. The Board will continue to proactively monitor and enforce compliance and will not hesitate to institute enforcement action against any erring licensees in order to promote an efficient and transparent energy sector that ensures public safety and protects consumers.

The Board further encourages members of the public to continue reporting any concerns relating to the provision of energy products and services by any licensee, to the ERB Toll Free Line 8484.


Namukolo Kasumpa (Mrs)

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